News and events


28 December, 2019

Following an unannounced inspection from five inspectors of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on 17th September 2019 Rustington Hall has received an overall rating of Requires Improvement.

This is a very disappointing outcome with many of our residents and relatives writing to CQC individually to praise the service they receive at Rustington Hall.  They feel strongly that Rustington Hall does not deserve the rating of Requires Improvement with a recent survey confirming that 100% of people would recommend Rustington Hall as a nursing and care home.

The report contains mainly positive comments regarding the observations seen by the inspectors and we welcome the next unannounced inspection.

Tom Ridley, Chairman, Sally Morris, CEO and Malgorzata Hollis, Registered Manager

Another Level 5 in Food Hygiene

29 November, 2019

Arun District Council Environmental Health undertook an unannounced inspection of our kitchen on 29th November 2019 and we are extremely proud that we have secured another Level 5 Rating in Food Hygiene.

Update on Works Project

11 October, 2019

Following a meeting this morning (11th October 2019) with RJH Construction, we have taken the decision to delay the building works to the courtyard at Rustington hall until the 06th January 2020.

This is due to the project taking 12 weeks to complete now, instead of the initial 9 week estimation.

As a Home we do not want the works to overrun into the Christmas period, we want our resident’s and their families to still have the same level of enjoyment that we always do at Christmas time here at Rustington Hall.

Exciting Times at Rustington Hall

07 October, 2019

Exciting Times at Rustington Hall

Works Project

On Monday 14th October RJH Contractors will commence a 9 week work project to enclose one of our internal courtyards.  The new room will be an extension to Amberley's dining room and will also be used in the afternoons for residents who do not wish to participate in activities and entertainment taking place in the main lounge and Activities Suite.

CEO Graduates

27 September, 2019

On Friday 27th September the Society's CEO, Sally Morris, graduated to her ILM Level  7 qualification.  The award was presented at Chichester Cathedral by the Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP.

Blooming Marvellous Awards!

13 September, 2019

Colin Hills, our Housing Officer, had a fantastic day out at the Britain In Bloom Awards Ceremony which took place at the Amex Stadium in Brighton on 13th September.  Rustington Hall achieved a Level 4 'Thriving' Award.  Our Sheltered Accommodation, Oakhurst Gardens, were proud to receive a Level 5 Award 'Outstanding' for the 5th year in a row. Oakhurst Gardens also won a Certificate of Distinction, which is an incredible achievement!  Well done and thank you to all our staff and residents who help to make our gardens look spectacular every year.

August Theme - The Phillippines

13 September, 2019

The Philippines was our theme for August. We learnt about the Country as a whole, had some games and quizzes, food tasting, and also a talk on the Philippines! Everyone enjoyed learning all about the Country, it's culture and food.

Amazing Animals come to visit!

12 September, 2019

We have a monthly visit from our friends at Amazing Animals! They bring in all sorts of animals, from a Rabbit to a snake, even a Meerkat! So our residents get to pet animals that they wouldn't necessarily meet every day!

1950's Party!

10 September, 2019

Our residents enjoyed the tastes of an American Diner in the 1950's! They had Burgers, sweet potato and normal fries, mac 'n cheese and hotdogs among other things. All of the residents really got into the theme and enjoyed the day!

Farewell to Sally Morris C.E.O

30 November, -0001

Today we said goodbye to our CEO Sally, we would like to thank you for all you have done for Rustington Hall and we wish you the very best. Enjoy your retirement 🐻👩‍💼💐

Christmas Celebrations

30 November, -0001

Rustington Hall is getting into the spirit of the season with Christmas jumper day and the annual staff raffle. All prizes for our hard working staff team were donated by both members of the society and community, in which we are eternally grateful.