News and events

Open for Admissions

01 February, 2021

I am really pleased to say that we will be accepting new admissions again from 15th February.  We had a challenging couple of weeks but with the absolutely fantastic staff team all working extremely hard and supporting each other and our residents we have pulled through.

To all other Registered Managers - if we can do it so can you - it's tough but some form of normality will return I promise you.  Don't lose hope, stay strong and If you ever want to talk to someone who's been there please give me a call.

Reindeers at Rustington Hall

15 December, 2020

On Tuesday 15th December residents and staff had a fantastic time visiting live reindeer and meeting Father Christmas in his grotto.  We wanted to say a massive thank you to all our staff for their hard work throughout a very challenging year and so staff were invited to bring their children along to be greeted by Rusty the Bear, feed the reindeer and get a little pressie and reindeer gingerbread biscuit from Father Christmas.  

ITV Meridian came along to the event and you can see the broadcast that was shown on Thursday 17th December on the link below.

We would like to say a big thank you to Tesco in Chichester, Rustington Bakery, Rustington Butcher & Deli for their donations.

Residents had a Ball at Rustington Hall

17 November, 2020

On Tuesday 17th November the residents and staff had a fantastic afternoon in the theme of a Masquerade Ball.  The residents had all made masks to wear and once again some of the staff dressed up with everyone having a really good time.  Whenever we have our themed event days some of the staff always go outside to wave at the passing traffic - please give us a wave and hoot your car horn if you see some people looking perhaps a little mad in their fancy dress clothes outside the front of Rustington Hall.

Rusty the bear joins the Rustington Hall Team

15 October, 2020

In September one of our carers came up with the idea of Rustington Hall having its own mascot - and what a fantastic idea it has turned out to be.  Our residents were involving with choosing the character - should it be a teddy bear, hedgehog, cat etc with the overwhelming majority choosing a teddy bear.

On Monday 12th October Rusty the Bear arrived and he has already been busy seeing all our residents who absolutely adore him.  He is becoming a little mischievous and has had over 1000 views on our Facebook page.  Please click on the facebook link on our home page to see what he's been up to.

Mobile Dentist Comes to Rustington Hall

14 October, 2020

On Tuesday 13th October The Mobile Dentist came to Rustington Hall to complete oral health checks on some our residents.  

As we all know oral health care is so important to all of us so at Rustington Hall we have agreed to fund the costs of the resident clinics which will take place every two months.  The dentist's will see different residents each time, and where necessary, do a check up on any dental work they undertook on their previous visit.

On Tuesday the experienced dental staff  managed to see seven of our residents - some in their rooms and some in a specific area set up for the dental clinic.  This was really successful with the next date planned for the beginning of December.  

We welcome visitors back into Rustington Hall

20 August, 2020

In relation to the latest Government guidance regarding visitors to nursing and care homes we are pleased to announce that we are now accepting visitors back into Rustington Hall. 

All relatives and next of kin have been contacted and are aware of the guidelines we have put in place in order to continue to ensure the safety of our residents and staff.

There is also a list of instructions which need to be followed on display in our reception area.

We are undertaking weekly staff testing and residents are tested every 28 days in accordance with the latest guidance.   

Disney Day

19 August, 2020

Carrying on with our 'Theme Days' Wednesday 19th August was Disney Day.  Staff once again dressed up much to the enjoyment of the residents.  Many of our residents had trouble guessing who was behind the Wizard's costume - another really fun day for everyone.

Royal Ascot at Rustington Hall

22 July, 2020

On Wednesday 22nd July our residents and staff put on their posh frocks and enjoyed the day celebrating Royal Ascot.  The biggest surprise for the residents was when our Finance and Estates Manager, Tasha, brought her 15-year-old, 17 hand high horse named Pie along to the event.  Pie was enjoying all the attention as the residents fed him carrots and talked to him.

Tasha commented saying 'it's not often you can say I took my horse to work with me today!' and I think it's fair to say it's also not often that residents in a nursing and care home can say 'we had a horse come to visit us today and I fed him some carrots!' 

The residents also enjoyed eating strawberries, scones, cakes and cream with a glass or two of bucks fizz - it really was such a lovely afternoon for everyone.

Please click on the 'Facebook' link on our Home page to see more photos and fun times we have here at Rustington Hall.

Are you looking for a nursing and care home by the sea?

20 July, 2020

Rustington Hall is really pleased to announce that we are accepting new admissions.  Whilst we have been in lock down we have been busy refurbishing communal areas and we have introduced new ways for keeping our residents entertained.  Our Facebook page has lots of photos of all the different events and activities that have been taking place.  (Please click on the Facebook logo at the bottom of the Home page).  All our residents receive person centred care with their physical and mental health our top priority.  

If you would like to find out more please contact Reception on 01903 777501 or email 

Through the Decades

14 July, 2020

On Tuesday 14th July staff at Rustington Hall dressed up in the decade that they were born.  Our residents and staff enjoyed an afternoon of singing and dancing and we are already looking forward to our next theme day - Ascot Day on 22nd July.

Confirmed Registered Manager

08 July, 2020

On 30th June Sally Morris was interviewed by the Care Quality Commission for the role of Registered Manager.  On 8th July she received confirmation of her success and is now the CQC Registered Manager of Rustington Hall.  Sally remains the CEO for the Society and is supported by the management and leadership team.

Madness at Rustington Hall!

25 June, 2020

It's crazy times for most of us; and Rustington Hall Nursing and Care Home is no exception! Elderly residents and staff joined together to create a super fun day themed on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland ‘Mad Hatters Tea Party’.  The pictures on our Facebook page really tell the story, but highlights of the day included a luxury tea and refreshments with cakes and delights prepared by the in house catering team.  Entertainments were provided from a distanced varanda, by the well known singer and performer ‘Alexis’.

This event was just one of many regular themed party events which have included VE Day, sweets and treats events and international cuisine tastings. Rustington Hall has recently completed a building extension to expand its dining facilities and refurbished both a small quiet lounge area and hairdressing salon.

A chauffeur service for our residents

08 June, 2020

In future the residents at Rustington Hall will enjoy a chauffeur driven service when they need to attend hospital, GP, optician appointments.  Although, we have always provided the free use of our mini bus or Berlingo together with a carer when any of our residents attend any appointments we thought they would really enjoy arriving in style.  Two of our carers have been provided with chauffeur uniforms which they will wear when escorting residents.  

A new look to our hairdressing salon

04 June, 2020

We have recently undertaken a slight refurbishment of our hairdressing salon. Although due to the lockdown measures our usual hairdressers are not able to attend we are very fortunate to have a couple of our carers who are also trained in hairdressing.  This has meant that, even whilst most of us are not able to have the luxury of having our hair cut, our residents continue to enjoy the 'pampering' of having their hair washed and cut.

VE Day Celebrations

13 May, 2020

All the residents had a lovely day Celebrating VE Day.

They enjoyed a buffet lunch followed by Alexis singing on the decking area. There was lots of flag waving as Alexis sang White Cliffs of Dover and We'll meet again.

An amazing hat, made by one of the relatives families, stole the day.

Sweets Anyone?

12 May, 2020

Residents recently saw the arrival of a traditional sweet trolley in the Activities Room, offering a choice of sherbet lemons, pontefract cakes, fudge and barley sugar, to name but a few.

Staff take a selection of sweets around the home, throughout the day, for residents to choose from.  

Rustington Hall joins Facebook

01 May, 2020

We have set up a Rustington Hall Facebook page.  Please press on the Facebook logo at the bottom of the home page and you will be able to see some of the activities and entertainment that our residents are enjoying.

Thank you Morrisons

08 April, 2020

A huge thank you to Morrisons Supermarket who on Wednesday 8th April donated 200 Easter Eggs for our residents and staff.  What a lovely gesture in these somewhat challenging times.

Facetime - Keeping in touch

30 March, 2020

During these challenging times, amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, Rustington Hall wants to ensure that we keep you in touch with your loved ones.

We are offering all families and loved ones the opportunity of face to face services with our residents via Facetime, using Skype and WhatsApp. If you wish to utilise this service please call 01903 777500 and staff can organise a day and time to call.

Our Gorgeous Ducklings

23 March, 2020

On 16th March the Incredible Eggs Company gave us some duck eggs to hatch.  Between 18th and 20th March three gorgeous ducklings hatched.  Our residents have enjoyed cuddling them and watching them learn to swim in our 'temporary pond'.  To see the delight on our residents and staff faces is almost impossible to describe.  These cute little animals brought such joy into our Home.  On 27th March Incredible Eggs will pick them up and take them back to their farm.

Coronavirus: Update on Visitor Guidance

23 March, 2020

Coronavirus: Update on Visitor Guidance

As of today, Monday 23rd March 2020, we have made the decision to put Rustington Hall on 'lock down'.  This means that until further notice we will not be allowing visitors to enter our Home.  This decision was not taken lightly but we feel it is now necessary in order to keep our residents safe.

We understand how important it is for our residents and relatives to remain in contact and therefore we will be assisting our residents to 'Skype' their relatives.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Sally Morris, CEO, or email Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.

Corona Virus Update

11 March, 2020

Coronavirus: Visitor Guidance

The UK remains in the containment phase of tracing coronavirus cases to prevent it spreading in the community. At Rustington Hall we are committed to ensuring that we keep all our residents and staff as safe as possible and as a preventative measure we are asking visitors, including family members and friends, to minimise visits until further notice. We hope you will agree that this will help to ensure that we do all we can to keep your loved ones, and all our other residents, as safe as possible. We have not taken this decision lightly, and appreciate that this may cause some discomfort, but feel that this is a necessary step to take. If there is a situation that requires a non-routine visit we would ask that you discuss this with Margaret Hollis, Registered Manager or Sally Morris, CEO to ensure that the appropriate precautionary measures are taken to limit any potential risk.

In addition, we are limiting visits overall, and visits from the local community and external entertainment are cancelled for the foreseeable future. Our staff will do all they can to ensure that life in our services remains as comfortable and sociable as possible. We will still ensure that vital medical visits are made, and will also ensure that only visitors who are not displaying symptoms come in, and that they wash their hands on entering our Home.

We would really appreciate your support with these measures, and please be reassured that we are closely following and complying with the Public Health authorities to ensure that we keep our residents safe, and that our staff are supported to continue to deliver great care. In the unfortunate situation that we do have a case in our Home we will need to stop all visiting completely and will inform you accordingly.

If you have any questions please contact Margaret Hollis, Registered Manager email Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.

Fire safety compliance

24 January, 2020

At the recent staff Fire Safety Training session David Batchelor of Fire Safety Sussex presented Tansy Hayler, on behalf of Rustington Hall, a Certificate of Compliance for Fire Safety.

This recognises our commitment to Fire Safety from regular ongoing staff training to completion of Fire Safety risk assessments against PAS 79. 

David Batchelor explains it's one thing to go and undertake a Fire Risk Assessment and pass the standards, but it's the commitment to ongoing training which is part of the standards and working together to further reduce risks in the unlikely event of an incident.

The Fire Risk Assessments are reviewed Annually.  Fire safety in care homes is particularly important given the nature of the residents and their mobility.

Family and friends of loved ones can take comfort knowing that residents are not only cared for and looked after in the normal daily nursing / care sense, but should the need arise they will be looked after according to their individual needs and the protection of others in an emergency situation.

 The picture was taken at one of the regular staff training sessions.

Dementia Champion training

24 January, 2020

Earlier this week a group of Rustington Hall staff attended training to become Dementia Champions.

Mark Harrison, from Informed Dementia Care, put the staff through various scenarios so they could experience how it feels to be visually impaired, recovering with the after effects of a stroke, and challenging them with identifying the signs of dementia, using ,sensory exercises, physical restrictions with movement, and exercises showing how dementia effects cognitive functions.  

The training was the first of many to come, staff feedback was very positive raised staff awareness of how this disease can affect a person.

The 1st picture show a session with staff dressed up in the suits, weights around their arms and legs to have an idea how it feels after having a stroke and goggles that gave them and in site of having a visual impairment. 

The 2nd picture show the dementia champion badge that all our staff received when they completed the course. 

Exciting Times at Rustington Hall

30 December, 2019

Now that Christmas is over we are looking forward to the start of our works project which commences on 6th January 2020.  We are creating an extension to one of our dining rooms which will have a spectacular glass lantern roof making the area suitable for dining whilst also creating a light and airy space for relaxation.